Signed Copies

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Author Signed Copy of Honor One Another

One autographed copy of “HONOR ONE ANOTHER: The ABCs of Embracing Our Spirit Within,” (includes sales tax, and shipping and handling).

This is a buy one-book-at-a-time option. For multiple books, you will need to pay for each one separately, or purchase through a retailer.

If you would prefer to purchase copies from Amazon, B&N, or, I’ll be happy to autograph in person the next time we see each other. (Please click here for other purchase options.)

I will be happy to personalize your book (or books) to your choosing. To specify how you’d like your book(s) autographed, please send me a message on my contact page, or email me at

Snail Mail

If preferred, you can request copies through snail-mail by mailing a check in the amount of $15.00 per book. For mailing address, please contact me at:


Please be sure to specify personalization of signed copies. Thank you.

Thank you for your order and support. It is appreciated more than I can express.

Keep loving, keep laughing, and keep being you.

Always, Virg aka Virginia Alice Crawford